Lomba Poster dan Esai Pembinaan Lingkungan Kampus

  • strict warning: Declaration of T3Params::set() should be compatible with JObject::set($property, $value = NULL) in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/core/params.php on line 0.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Cache::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 4.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Profile::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 6.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Xml::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 7.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 27.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 28.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 29.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 30.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Cache::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 4.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Profile::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 6.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Xml::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 7.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 27.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 28.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 29.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 30.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 38.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 38.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::getPaths() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 48.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Profile::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/joomlart.engine on line 226.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::getNodeTpl() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/joomlart.engine on line 255.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::getPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/core/path.php on line 206.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Cache::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/core/path.php on line 83.

1. keamanan di lingkungan kampus UI
2. Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Kampus UI
3. Lingkungan Hidup di kampus UI

Ketentuan Lomba Poster dan Esai.

  1. Peserta Lomba dibagi menjadi 2 kategori: Warga UI (Mahasiswa, Dosen, Karyawan) dan Masyarakat di sekitar kampus UI.
  2. Formulir Peserta Lomba bisa didapatkan di Gedung Subdit Pembinaan Lingkungan Kampus atau unduh di halaman ini
  3. Poster dan esai wajib sesuai pilihan tema dan merupakan karya asli yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
  4. Esai dikirimkan dalam bentuk hardcopy,di kertas bolak-balik dan softcopy format PDF dalam CD atau upload ke http://humas.ui.ac.id/lomba-plk
  5. Sistematika Penulisan esai: A. Pendahuluan, B. Pembahasan, C. Penutup, D. Daftar pustaka/Referensi.
  6. Panjang esai 10-40 halaman A4, Times New Roman, size 12, margin 3 cm X 3 cm X 3 cm.
  7. Disain poster dan seluruh lampiran dikirim dengan format JPEG/PDF/TIFF dan resolusi gambar minimal 300 dpi.
  9. Poster dikirimkan dalam bentuk hardcopy menggunakan kertas glossy ukuran A3 dan softcopy dalam CD atau upload ke humas.ui.ac.id/lomba-plk
  10. Semua karya yang masuk merupakan milik panitia.
  11. Panitia berhak mempublikasikan karya yang telah masuk untuk sosialisasi di UI.
  12. Hasil karya dan formulir peserta lomba diterima paling lambat 13 Agustus 2012 di Gedung Subdit Pembinaan Lingkungan Kampus Depok/Salemba.
  13. Lomba tertutup bagi seluruh panitia penyelenggaraan lomba, dewan juri, dan seluruh keluarganya.
  14. Keputusan dewan juri berlaku mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Contact Person:
0857 80586730 (Devi)
0815 13098311 (Nadya)

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