Public Discussion with K. Shelly Porges
Foto artikel:
[b]“The Global Entrepreneurship Program”[/b]
K. Shelly Porges
Senior Advisor of President Barak Obama, Entrepreneurship leading the Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP) of U.S. State of Departement.
Moderator : Dr. Nining Indroyono Soesilo M.A. (FEUI)
Friday, 13 July 2012, @Auditorium Prof. Dr. Suriatmadja
Faculty of Economics Universitas Indonesia, Campus Depok
at 9 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. (registration 30mnt before)
FREE, Limited seats (first come first serve)
RSV to RLC FEUI, Tatik Ridowati, email: or call to 021 7864057, 081281360053
(before 11 July 2012)
CV of K. Shelly Porges you can see at