#244 - SEMINAR K3N

  • strict warning: Declaration of T3Params::set() should be compatible with JObject::set($property, $value = NULL) in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/core/params.php on line 0.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Cache::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 4.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Profile::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 6.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Xml::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 7.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 27.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 28.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 29.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 30.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Cache::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 4.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Profile::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 6.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Xml::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 7.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 27.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 28.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 29.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 30.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 38.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::addPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 38.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::getPaths() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/libraries/t3.php on line 48.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Profile::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/joomlart.engine on line 226.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::getNodeTpl() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/joomlart.engine on line 255.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Path::getPath() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/core/path.php on line 206.
  • strict warning: Non-static method T3Cache::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/humas.ui.ac.id/public_html/sites/all/themes/engines/joomlart/core/path.php on line 83.

OHS Expo 5 proudly presents:

"Penyelarasan Paradigma K3: Landasan Perwujudan Indonesia Berbudaya K3 Tahun 2015"

Sabtu, 8 Juni 2013
08.00-16.00 WIB
Balai Sidang Universitas Indonesia

Sesi 1: Regulasi sebagai pendorong pembudayaan K3
dr. Surya Chandra Surapaty, MPH, Ph.D*
(Anggota Komisi IX DPR RI)

dr. Asjikin Iman H. Dachlan, MHA
(Direktur Bina Kesehatan Kerja dan Olahraga Kementerian Kesehatan RI)

Ir. Amri AK, MM
(Direktur Pengawasan Norma Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (PNK3) Kementerian Tenaga kerja dan Transmigrasi RI)

Ir. Syawaluddin Lubis, MT
(Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementrian Energi dan SUmber Daya Mineral RI)

dr. Chandra Satrya, MAppSc
(Akademisi bidang Safety Culture)

Sesi 2: Peran dan implementasi regulasi dalam membudayakan K3.
Drs. Ridwan Z. Sjaaf. MPH
(Akademisi K3 bidang Behaviour-based Safety)

Benyamin Argubie
(HSE Manager Total EP Indonesie)

Rulita Wijayaningdyah
(Ketua Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI))

Dadan Erwandi, S.Psi, M.Psi
(Akademisi bidang Behaviour Science)

Cara Pendaftaran
1. Via SMS dengan format: SK3N(spasi)NAMA LENGKAP(spasi)TEMPAT KULIAH/KERJA(spasi)NO.HP YG BISA DIHUBUNGI(spasi)EMAIL Kirim ke: 0856-9502-6962.
2. Pembayaran transfer melalui rekening: BNI 02-0381-0562 a.n. Tania Fitriana
3. Setelah mendaftar mohon untuk segera lakukan pembayaran (max 1x24 jam setelah pendaftaran) dan konfirmasi ke nomor 0856-9502-6962 (Bella). Tanda bukti pembayaran dibawa saat registrasi Ulang.


1. Datang ke stand pendaftaran SK3N di Bougenville FKM UI Depok
2. Pembayaran dilakukan secara langsung di stand pendaftaran.

24 Mei - 4 Juni 2013

D3/S1 : Rp. 80.000
S2/S3/Umum: Rp. 130.000
*Diskon 10% untuk pendaftaran secara kelompok (10 orang) Mendapatkan:
Sertifikat ber-SKP, seminar kit, coffee break, makan siang dan doorprize

Contact Person:
0856-9160-5409 (Annisa Cantika)
0852-8633-9047 (Faridl Wicaksono)

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